If you are having difficulty implementing a robust marketing function to feed your revenue, this on-demand workshop is for you. Thousands of hours of experience and education were distilled to give you the tools you need to succeed in leading your marketing efforts. This workshop is built from the ground up for business owners, marketing and sales leaders, as well as, board members who need to quickly get up to speed.
Sample Video
In 4.5 hours you will learn how to:
- Use marketing to gather leads and generate customers
- Collect the right data and turn it into actionable information
- Build a roadmap to marketing success that feeds sales
- Leverage the 3 critical pieces of technology every business needs today
- Build an action-oriented culture
- Identify, and fix, gaps in your revenue-generating efforts

Weight | 2 lbs |
Dimensions | 8.5 × 1 × 11 in |